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Stick Boy's Past Coursework

Courses Taken at U.C. Berkeley

Spring 2000
EE 122 (Electrical Engineering 122) Introduction to Communication Networks (3 units)
IDS 100AC (Interdepartmental Studies 100AC) History of American Technology (4 units)
CogSci C126 (Cognitive Science C126) Perception (3 units)
Fall 1999
CS 160 (Computer Science 160) User Interface Design and Development (4 units)
CS 184 (Computer Science 184) Foundations of Computer Graphics (4 units)
E 190 (Engineering 190) Technical Communication (3 units)
Psych 2 Principles of Psychology (3 units)
Summer 1999
Classics 28 The Classic Myths (4 units)
Spring 1999
CS 164 (Computer Science 164) Programming Languages and Compilers (4 units)
CS 170 (Computer Science 170) Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4 units)
EE 20N (Electrical Engineering 20N) Structure and Interpretation of Systems and Signals (4 units)
Math 113 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (4 units)
Fall 1998
CS 169 (Computer Science 169) Software Engineering (4 units)
CS 188 (Computer Science 188) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4 units)
Math 110 Linear Algebra (4 units)
Spring 1998
ASUC Art Studio Beginning Watercolor (6 weeks)
Introduction to Drawing (6 weeks)
CS 9D (Computer Science 9D) Lisp and Functional Programming (self-paced) (1 unit)
CS 9F (Computer Science 9F) C++ for Programmers (self-paced) (1 unit)
CS 61C (Computer Science 61C) Machine Structures (3 units)
E 45 (Engineering 45) Properties of Materials (3 units)
Physics 7C Physics for Scientists and Engineers (4 units)
Fall 1997
CS 61B (Computer Science 61B) Data Structures (4 units)
EE 40 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (4 units)
EE 43 Introductory Electronics Laboratory (1 unit)
Math 55 Discrete Mathematics (4 units)
Physics 7B Physics for Scientists and Engineers (4 units)
Summer 1997
Econ 1 Introduction to Economics (4 units)
Math 54 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (4 units)
Spring 1997
CS 24 (Computer Science 24) How the Internet Works: From Dirt to Ether (1 unit)
CS 61A (Computer Science 61A) The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4 units)
English 1B Reading and Composition (4 units)
Math 53W Multivariable Calculus (4 units)
Physics 7A Physics for Scientists and Engineers (4 units)
Fall 1996
Chem 1A General Chemistry (4 units)
CS 9C (Computer Science 9C) C for Programmers (self-paced) (1 unit)
English 1A Reading and Composition (4 units)
Math 1B Calculus (4 units)

Last updated: 2000-05-24
Copyright © 1997–2001, James Lin.
Images, trademarks, or other copyrighted materials are properties of their respective owners.