My procrastination deadlock

April 8, 2023 at 10:01 pm (PT) in Personal
  • Have productive task X that I need to do but don’t want to do.
  • Have productive task Y that I want to do but don’t need to do.

Don’t feel sufficiently motivated to do task X. Can’t do task Y without feeling guilty for not doing task X. End up doing nothing (or rather, end up doing unproductive task Z instead). Sigh.

SVG Doodles

June 8, 2022 at 3:04 pm (PT) in Art

I quit my job at Google a year ago because I was too stressed from trying to get work done with little kids at home.

During my past year of semi-retirement, I finally started playing around with Inkscape more seriously. A couple of pieces:

I also made SVG versions of a bunch of my ambigrams and added some simple animations.

My speed cube has a 4th axis of freedom

July 14, 2020 at 11:00 pm (PT) in Personal

My kids scrambled my speed cube and left it in a configuration that normally would be impossible to solve. It seems that they had inadvertently discovered that it has a 4th axis of freedom.

Ink doodles (2014–2018)

March 1, 2020 at 7:51 pm (PT) in Art

More ink doodles from 2014 through 2018. These were done with a Pilot G-2 0.38mm gel pen. While I like how I can make tiny writing with Pilot Hi-Tec C pens, I find the G-2 0.38mm pens to be more practical: they create lines fine enough for my taste, but they’re not so fine that I have issues with the tips clogging. It also helps that they’re easier to find in typical office supply stores and are cheaper.

I do like using ink, but I’m even more conservative drawing in it (i.e., I draw even more disembodied heads than usual). (Maybe someday I’ll get a knack for inking over pencil.) Beyond the typically similar content, I noticed that I unintentionally used much of the same layout in these two sheets for the placement of dragon heads, orc heads, smoke, and background practice.

Ink doodles (2014) thumbnail Ink doodles (2017) thumbnail

Whiteboard doodles

August 11, 2013 at 10:19 pm (PT) in Art

Various whiteboard doodles I made at VMware with dry-erase markers.

"Sheit Happens" thumbnail
2005. One of my coworkers was working on a project named “EIT” that got killed when some deal fell apart, and he asked me to scrawl this on his whiteboard. I’m not really sure why I bothered to sign this.

Ducks in danger thumbnail
2008. This started off with a magnetic stick figure holding some duck magnets, and my office-mate Christine and I gradually drew different things that he was rescuing them from. It’s hard to tell from the photo, but Christine attached wings to the back of the stick figure and crafted him a giant broadsword.

"Bye, cwu" thumbnail
2009. When my office-mate Christine (Wu) left to attend graduate school at CMU.

"Bye, Christian" thumbnail
2013. When my office-mate Christian left.

"Bye, David" thumbnail
2013. When my coworker David left. Christian and David left on the same day (they both left to focus on their startup). I made Christian’s first, and I was too tired afterward to spend much time on David’s (sorry, David). I made a lame attempt at jazzing it up a bit by adding a second color.

NaNoDrawMo 2012 doodles, part 2

November 30, 2012 at 1:56 pm (PT) in Art

The second half of my NaNoDrawMo 2012 doodles. This includes my first attempt at doing a realistic drawing in almost 9 years. I probably should just stick to lettering.

NaNoDrawMo 2012 doodles #2 thumbnail

NaNoDrawMo 2012 doodles, part 1

November 16, 2012 at 12:09 pm (PT) in Art

The NaNoDrawMo[ref]NaNoDrawMo is inspired by NaNoWriMo (“National Novel Writing Month”), but “National Novel Drawing Month” doesn’t make sense. Many people have instead backronymed it to mean “National November Drawing Month”, but that’s redundant.[/ref] challenge asks for 50 drawings in 30 days. Fortunately for me, the only requirement is quantity, not quality.

My original plan was to do 50 tiny drawings using the Pilot Hi-Tec C pen on a single side of 8.5″×11″ paper, but I decided that I wasn’t up to that challenge. I instead chose to use two sheets of paper with 25 pencil drawings on each.

Here’s my progress at the midway point:

NaNoDrawMo 2012 doodles #1 thumbnail

Goodbye Sprint, hello Page Plus

September 3, 2012 at 12:06 pm (PT) in Personal, Rants/Raves

Earlier this year, I switched my mom from a Sprint plan to a Page Plus prepaid plan. She’s the type who uses an average of about 20 minutes per month on her cell phone, which was a waste of the $30/month that I was paying for her line. Switching her to a prepaid plan seemed like an obvious choice, but even then, most prepaid plans don’t fit well to such limited usage. Typical prepaid plans ask for tens of dollars per month for hundreds of minutes that expire after 30 days. Not a huge improvement.

(That’s not to say that my mom doesn’t spend a lot of time using a phone. However, we have unreliable cell phone reception in our house, so she normally uses a landline. The landline is cheap since we get service through Ooma.)

Page Plus is a prepaid MVNO, a virtual carrier that resells airtime from another one (in Page Plus’s case, Verizon). Unlike the prepaid plans from every other provider, Page Plus’s minutes last for 120 days, and the minimum purchase is $10 for 100 minutes. This means that I now can pay about $30 per year instead of per month.

It’s been about 8 months since I switched her, and so far she’s been on track.

I was satisfied enough with Page Plus that a couple of months ago, I decided to switch myself, and I bought a contractless, unused Verizon Palm Pre 2 for cheap. I too use very few voice minutes, and over the past year, I’ve used an average of about 100 MB of data per month, peaking at about 200 MB in a month. Page Plus doesn’t have good data plans, however: their standard pay-as-you-go plan charges a whopping $0.99/MB, and their cheapest monthly plan ($12) includes a meager 10 MB. However, overages on their monthly plans cost $0.20/MB, so my average usage should cost about $32/month, still significantly cheaper than the $60/month that I was paying Sprint (normally $70/month without the VMware discount).

I figure that I can cut back on the data usage and use WiFi most of the time to bring that down to $22/month. (Thank goodness for webOS patches that allow me to turn 3G data usage on and off easily.) Discouraging me from checking email constantly is probably a good thing anyway. The biggest thing that I’ll miss is Sprint Navigation; the webOS app was implemented pretty well, and it was handy to have GPS navigation readily available with up-to-date maps. Unfortunately there’s no good offline GPS navigation software (or even online, carrier-agnostic software). I’ll also miss the Sprint Airave femtocell (from Chelmsford!) that I got only a few months ago. Verizon’s coverage seems better, but it still seems unreliable where I live.

(And yes, this means that we’re back on the Verizon network without having to deal with Verizon.)

Other notes:

  • The phones that Page Plus officially supports are very limited. I initially bought my mom one of the supported ones since it was my first experience, and they only offered one basic phone (a Kyocera Luno S2100). We were not impressed with it; the font size is small and is not adjustable, and the lanyard attachment point is not a solid construction, instead using the battery cover to hold a lanyard in pace. Tugging on the lanyard in the wrong way could pull the battery cover off and drop the phone.
  • Page Plus, however, does allow almost any Verizon phone to be activated on its service. The main requirements are that the phone isn’t blacklisted as being stolen or as a retail prepaid phone. (Ironically, prepaid phones that you see in retail stores such as Walmart are still subsidized.) Eventually I bought my mom a contractless Samsung Gusto 2 off of eBay instead.
  • By default, outgoing calls from Page Plus have an outgoing message that tells you what your balance is. This is kind of annoying and can’t be configured through the website, but you can turn it off by contacting customer service.
  • Page Plus’s website sucks, to put it kindly. It looks old, is buggy, and on numerous occasions has been down when I’ve tried to access my account. This doesn’t inspire confidence. I haven’t actually figured out how to account for my data usage through their website since they show up as calls measured in “minutes”.
  • If you want to activate a smartphone, watch out if it wants to restore data from the cloud before allowing you to set up WiFi.
  • There’s a $0.50 monthly service charge that’s mentioned in the fine print that surprised me.

Crappy watercolor paintings

September 2, 2012 at 11:33 am (PT) in Art

Some crappy watercolor paintings that I made in 1998 for an introductory watercolor class. Derived from photographs from magazines.

Mountains #1 thumbnail Mountains #2 thumbnail Sailboat thumbnail

The instructor noticed that I seemed to have some fascination with painting mountains. Maybe that was due to all the Joy of Painting episodes I watched as a kid.

Ink doodles

August 16, 2012 at 8:00 pm (PT) in Art

I started drawing again a few months ago, this time using ink and no pencil, which is mostly new and unusual for me. A significant motivating factor probably was my usual, futile desire to eventually become good enough to impress someone who likely would never care anyway.

Ink doodles thumbnail

Done with a Pilot G-2 0.5mm gel pen. (I hadn’t yet acquired the impressive Pilot Hi-Tec-C pen that I kept reading about from various Kickstarter projects.)