My right-brain will hate me forever.

April 19, 2004 at 5:16 pm (PT) in Personal

Well, I officially have accepted the UI Engineer position at VMware. I still feel lousy about declining the Application Engineer job from the Palm OS startup Tapwave.

All of the logical arguments favored VMware—better compensation at a more stable, well-known, and proven company that would give me more marketable skills. On the other hand, I’ve wanted and waited to work at Tapwave for months; I was a very good fit for their job, it was familiar territory for me, I had much more confidence that I could do it, and it seemed like a fun company.

Last week, I focused on the logical arguments to make my decision, ultimately trading short-term happiness for long-term benefits. Now that I’ve decided and am about to start work next week, the anxiety of entering totally new territory at VMware is kicking the right-side of my brain into high gear. I’m second-guessing myself. I feel like I’m throwing away the months of waiting and what knowledge I gleaned from the past three years at Sony.

I’m also going to miss Tapwave’s dog.

Sigh. Jennifer Feng thinks I’m a hopeless romantic, longing for things that might have been.

I suppose I’ll just see how everything turns out when I actually start work.


Newer: Stories from Sony (Part 1)
Older: When it rains, it pours.


  1. The dog might have made me lean a bit towards Tapwave. Good luck with the new g-o-b, James!

    — Kevin @ April 20, 2004, 4:57 am (PT)

  2. Jen’s right, no use thinking about what you could have/should have done. You said it yourself in your previous post: “Things have a funny way of coalescing.” Who knows, maybe you meet future Mrs. Lin at VMWare? =)

    — mitch @ April 20, 2004, 12:38 pm (PT)

  3. Hm – I think I would have gone with the other job. ha – just kidding! Now that you’ve decided, you shouldn’t give in to regret at what might have been. Jennifer hit your personality right smack on the nose. The dog looks very intelligent. Must be the glasses.

    — karen @ April 22, 2004, 1:57 pm (PT)

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