Virtualized by VMware
I’ve been at VMware for a month now. I like it there, and I think I’m settling in, though everything still feels a little surreal (virtual?) sometimes. I’m a bit stressed out worrying that I’m not going to live up to their expectations.
On one hand, I learned more at Sony than I thought I did. (All that free time I spent reading things like the comp.lang.c newsgroup probably helped.) On the other hand, I learned much less than I would have elsewhere, so I’m still way behind the curve.
New VMware hires get a license plate holder that says “Virtualized by VMware”. Someone asked me if I put it on my car. “No,” I said, “I don’t want to besmirch the company’s good name with my bad driving.”
I really don’t understand the practice of adorning cars with bumper stickers, custom license plate holders, or other knick-knacks. What good can come of it? The only time anyone is going to read them, care, and remember is if you screw up. No one’s going to credit you, “Wow, that guy works at VMware, and he uses a turn signal!”
Plus, If I accidentally pissed someone off, I think I’d prefer that they not be able to track me down easily.
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Steve and I often make fun of bumper stickers; in particular, out-of-date campaign stickers, “my kid is on the honor roll” stickers, and stickers that try to be cute, funny, or unique, but fail horribly. There is only one bumper sticker that I even think is slightly useful; mounted upside down on the car, it reads “If you can read this, please flip my car over.”
— Corrie @ May 24, 2004, 2:01 pm (PT)