Back into Palm OS programming?
I bought a Treo 650 this week, and it’s awesome. It’s even inspiring me to do some programming for Palm OS again. Unfortunately, getting back into that groove is really hard.
I wrote a lot of great code while I was at Sony, but of course all that code is Sony-owned and outside of my grasp. To do any Palm OS development work again, I’d need to rewrite everything from scratch, which is demotivating because I’d be redoing work that I had done already and—since I’m now rusty at this—work that I had done better. It makes me feel like my life is progressing backwards.
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Yeah, your life totally is progressing backwards. I’m glad you finally came to that realization.
Just kidding! :) Sort of.
— Karen @ April 25, 2005, 8:07 am (PT)
I still can’t even look at a Palm device without getting sick. Do you still have a copy of the xyzzy program?
— Kevin @ April 28, 2005, 10:44 am (PT)
Oh, and you never did finish “Calculon”! You can always do that.
— Kevin @ April 28, 2005, 10:45 am (PT)
I still have the program with the xyzzy Easter egg around somewhere. Did you want a copy or something?
As for Calculon, Sony owns the parts I already did, and I don’t really want to work on that anyway.
— James @ April 28, 2005, 6:37 pm (PT)
Even though I no longer have a Palm device, I’d still like to have a copy of it.
— Kevin @ April 28, 2005, 7:01 pm (PT)