On the second season of Heroes
I swear, someone on NBC’s Heroes must have the power to make everyone stupid.
(Some spoilers are below.)
The season had some hints of grand designs, but unfortunately the writers’ strike obviously made the later episodes rushed and a bit incohesive and made the finale totally anticlimactic. It was missing much of the excitement from the first season, I guess partly because there weren’t any compelling villains: Adam just didn’t seem very threatening, Sylar was impotent, the Nightmare Man was a big loser, and the Company was in shambles. One would think that Adam would have accumulated at least as much power, knowledge, and influence as Linderman over the years.
I wonder how long they’re going to milk the “I went to the future and saw the apocalypse, now we need to stop it” pattern.
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Problem with the second season is that everyone that is introduced has a superpower… It’s more super to NOT have a superpower. First season was great, but the second is unwatchable, except for maybe the Hiro Nakamura story.
— Kevin @ December 14, 2007, 2:07 pm (PT)
Yeah, the second season was awful. Hiro’s jaunt to ancient japan while it could have been awesome, sucked the hardest. Boo!
— Ben @ December 19, 2007, 11:37 pm (PT)