Crappy PDA doodles

December 5, 2009 at 12:00 am (PT) in Art

Doodles I drew on various Sony CLIÉ handhelds from 2001–2003. Like all other Palm OS devices, they used resistive touchscreens that lacked any kind of pressure-sensitivity, and the digitizers in the touchscreens were somewhat noisy, so hand-drawn lines ended up with a shaky appearance.

I made the first image with TealPaint (which at the time supported only the traditional Palm OS resolution of 160×160 and not the 320×320 resolution of the CLIÉ devices). I made the rest with MemoRu!.

  • Troll (2001-05-31)
  • Demon (unfinished) (2002-03-03)
    Demon (unfinished)
  • Heathcliff (2001-12-02)
  • Dragon head (2001-12-04)
    Dragon head
  • Ant man (2001-12-02)
    Ant man
  • Fat baby (2003-03-24)
    Fat baby


Newer: Chelmsford in the news
Older: Spaceman


  1. the troll’s pretty good. but yeah, hard to draw

    i think drawing tools have gotten better though

    no pressure sensitivity but people pull off impressive stuff.

    i imagine the pre has similar stuff.

    — Ben @ December 5, 2009, 10:32 am (PT)

  2. Shit, that’s pretty good. I remember blaming teal paint for my drawing deficiencies.

    — Rishi O. @ January 29, 2010, 12:44 pm (PT)

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